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  • Private Livestreams with Nathan Davis Jr. personally
  • A simple trick that allows you to overcome Facebook's new algorithm - so you can greatly improve your social media reach...
  • The fastest way to grow your fanbase so you don't have to rely on the same friends, fans, and family coming to your shows - just use our "fan funnel system"
  • An exact copy of our step-by-step blueprint for you to start booking shows in new cities successfully
  • ​Tons more but running out of room here :-)
Michael Chorvat
Woke Rock
Spiritual singer/songwriter Michael Chorvat has one purpose in life. To Be the Light in the Dark. Michael invites you to join him in the possibility to Be the Light in the Dark with his inspiring music, soulful voice and deep, meaningful lyrics that he likes to call woke rock. Michael is no stranger to overcoming challenges and hard times. He has been through his fair share of grief, loss, heartache and most recently overcoming both anxiety and depression. Through it all one thing remains constant. Michael chooses to rise up and never give up. Michael Chorvat’s latest singles and music videos for “Six Feet Away” (a COVID-19 love song) and “Magic” share messages of hope in 2021. Michael sees the darkness, the challenges we all experience, as the greatest gift of learning, growth and transformation that ultimately bring us more into the light.

Join the Warriors of Light
and join me in the movement to 
 Be the Light in the Dark.

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Copyright 2021 - Michael Chorvat Music